Saturday, June 4, 2011

I donʻt steal pics of the Grouch and Zumbi, Zion I crew

Aloha yʻall

                   I donʻt know if you know this but I am not computer savvy, I started this blog with .05 skills in that department. I am researching and trying to improve. Again I find this blogger format , for lack of a better word too blocky. I would like to have a different photo background for each blog posting but this site will not allow me. For right now I like Annabelle Jordan Close as the wallpaper, itʻs a BIG HEART to Japan, done the Starla Biz way, shot through the MICK MOTOR lens. I am proud to say in the battle of Starla vs. Technology  I started out at 1, now Iʻm at 2, vs...1000. Slow nʻ Steady, yes?

So I donʻt steal photoʻs off sites like Dosomethingtonight because I give credit where it is due AND I donʻt (know) how to steal. I am honest even if itʻs embarrassing. Check out the Grouch and Zion I (sorry Zumbi, I linked you guys) in NEW photo galleries at Dosomethingtonight as well as other photos. I accompanied Ana of La Cutie Fotoʻs and DST on this venture at closing time at Next Door, Wed. nite to document this night. I had some artwork from the art/fashion event BIRDS IN THE CITY so I had everyone I could pose with the thought bubbles. They were done up by my fave SA and I think he is THE BEST! Enjoy! "Flappinʻ up!" my fave SA
                                                                           XOX Starla Biz

P.S The thought bubbles "Alwayz up", pretty self explanatory. "Je Veux Rock" means "I want to Rock" in french by Starla Biz done in B3@k03 fashion.

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