Sunday, June 12, 2011

Expression is ART!

"Free Ai Weiwei" on Next Door 43 N. Hotel Street in Honolulu, HI

Aloha yʻall

                  Have you seen the "Free Ai Weiwei" art piece on the wall outside of Nextdoor a Cinema /Lounge on Hotel Street in C-town (Chinatown) Honolulu, HI? Ai Weiwei is an international artist from China, a few of my favorite exhibitions include: in 2010 "Sunflower Seeds" one hundred million porcelain seeds at the TATE MODERN in London, in 2007"THE FOUNTAIN OF LIGHT" a beautiful "light" installation and 1994ʻs, "WHITEWASH AND STILL LIFE" cave man urns with the Coca-cola logo attached! Click on Ai Weiwei to find out why he needs to be freed.

Expression in this case is the art! Ai Weiwei is an activist as well as artist and has been outspoken against some of his countries practices. This is extremely notable since his country, China is communist. I believe, in art there is truth expressed either consciously or subconsciously, the ones that make you go hmmm. I hope that this situation works out and want to see more work from this artist.

I found great info. while researching for this blog post, check out This is a great site and Alison Klayman the documentary film maker gave me permission to show vid-e-o here. Mahaloz.

I have some definite opinions on the entire matter, check out "Ode" below.
                                                                                             X Starla Biz
"Free Ai Weiwei" Up close

"Free Ai Weiwei" by Vince


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